Simulation Handbook
operatoroperator: enter your name/nick/handle here, it will be used to tag your work load to your 'account'. The best operators are shown in the simulation scoreboard.
passcodepasscode: use a passcode to get a hold of your username. If you dont enter a passcode, anyone can use your username. Once you enter your passcode, the operator name is registered with the passcode and only you can use it.
work_forwork_for: the simulation swings between 'work' and 'cooldown' periods to avoid locking or freezing your browser or computer. While the simulation is running the status changes to 'WORKING' and the computer may feel unresponsive / laggy. Please start with short (1-2 seconds) work periods and increase them with care. If you set your 'work_for' variable to 20 seconds, your browser or computer may freeze for those 20 seconds. You can then lower it down during the 'cooldown_for' period.
cooldown_forcooldown_for: this is the rest interval between two work periods. The simulation will stop for this length of time before running another batch of the simulation. If you set this value too low, your computer may feel slow or laggy. Slow or old computers may even freeze. Please start with a higher value and work your way down carefully.
scoreboardscoreboard: this table shows the operators that have contributed more to the project, sorted by 'best_hops'.
multiple_simsmultiple_sims: you can open other tabs on your browser to run more simulations in paralell. You can also open this page in other computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. You may want to compare the 'computer_power' variable to see what device performs better. Remember to use your operator name in all devices so the server can add all your simulations together.
computer_powercomputer_power: this measures the relative computing power of your computer. It will be slower in smartphones and laptops. Different web browsers may also give different values as some are faster than others. You may want to open the simulation in different computers/laptops/phones to check their relative speeds.
sim_runningsim_running: how long has this simulation session been running for
sim_startsim_start: date and time when this simulation session started
sta_unsavedsta_unsaved: the amount of stations traveled in the simulation since the data was last sent to the server. This values resets to 0 when data is sent to the server successfully.
sta_sessionsta_session: number of stations traveled on this simulation session
sta_alltimesta_alltime: total number of stations traveled under this operator name, for all devices. (You can run several simulations in paralell on the same computer or in several different computers using the same operator name and the server will add all your work togheter).
sim_savedsim_saved: count up since last time the session data was saved to the server.
messagemessage: you can leave a short (300 characters) message here to be displayed with your username in the scoreboard. Use only letters, digits and basic punctuation signs
solutionsolution: the most optimized route is believed to be around 250 station hops, as calculated by a mathematician. However we need to run the calculation to get the exact route. Any sub 300 hops solution could work out in practice.
last_seenlast_seen: this is a timestamp of the last time the operator checked in with the server.
calculation_startcalculation_start: this experiment started on the 9th of March 2013. Estimations on when a working solution will be found vary wildly. I am hoping we may reach it before the end of the year.
once_doneonce_done: Once a feasible solution has been found, stage 2 of the project triggers: I am planning to travel the journey in real life. The whole journey, this time for real, will be broadcast live to the internet. we are still working on the details for this. I will blog about it when time comes in; leave your email in the message box or follow @james_collado if you want to see it.
Current Sim Journey
Best Session Journey
best_hops: 0