Snow Bros Technical data

snow bros cabin
Snow Bros Cabin

General Information

Full Name: Snow Bros - Nick & Tom
MAME ROM set name: snowbros
Manufacturer: Toaplan
Licensed to: Romstar
Year: 1990
ROM Size: 800KB (280k after compresion)
Category: Platform
Players: 2 (simultaneous)
Coins Slots: 2
Tilt: Yes


Main cpu: MC68000 (16-bit; 8.000000MHz; not for sound)

Display System

Display Type: Raster
Arcade cabinet: Upright
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Resolution: 256 x 224
Refresh frequency: 57.500000Hz
Palette : 256 colors
Aspect Ratio : 4/3


Type: 8 ways Joystick
Buttons: 2 (throw-snow and jump)

Sound System

Sound cpu: Z80 (8-bit, 6.000000MHz)
Sound Hardware: YM3812 (3.00000MHz)
Channels: 1
Type: Amplified Mono

MAME Driver Emulation Details

Status: ok
Emulation: ok
Graphic: ok
Color: ok
Sound: ok
ROMs required:


Console: Nintendo Famicom (1991)
Console: Sega Mega Drive (1993)
Console: Nintendo Game Boy (????) includes 10 extra new levels.
PC: Amstrad CPC (1991)

Two comments

If you are a Snow Bros Arcade owner and want to comment on it or correct something, you are very welcome to do so in my Snow Bros Forum.

The picture is not from my cabin, if you are the owner of that machine and want a link or a name to appear here please email me. (I don't know who you are!)