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For advices on which skates to buy reads ours guide of buy of skates in line .

Advantages of skating

Skating is an exercise that undoubtedly contributes many advantages to the life of that one who practises it. Test of this is that who gets hooked up from young man to skates in line usually keeps on practising it during almost all his life. Even despite having obligations like studies, work, marriage or children, some of them try to look for a hollow every week to go out to skate for a little bit since really they value for much the good thing that this simple and relaxing exercise can do both for his body and for his mental state or his self-esteem.

To skate from the first day brings inumerables advantages over to us. So much if one is a beginner as a tanned skater the advantages are present from the first day. On the one hand the innate advantages are to the achievement of any physical activity: skating is to go in for sport. And going in for sport is undoubtedly a magnificent way of preserving and of developing our body in good athletic conditions. Also to skate, in any of his styles forces us to desarrolar two important qualities: reflexes and I balance.

There are also forms and styles of skating for all the tastes: hockey, fitness, freestyle, artistic or speed between others, what of course implies that on the market there is uan big quantity of types of skates .

We will not find these two qualities in other sports like mounting in bicycle or running, but they are undoubtedly very valuable. On having skated, one must answer to the imperfection of the area and to the obstacles that appear us of rapid and effective form, much in the style of as it is done mientra he behaves. But on having skated, we will have to exercise all our body, muscles, joints and also senses: in addition to 5 normal ones, the sense of the balance.

An Accessible and Inexpensive Sport

Skating is undoubtedly, unlike the sailing ships ditches, a sport to the alcanze of any pocket. We can find models of skates of low scale from 50 Euros (normally in toyshops) that are ideal for a beginner who does not know when it lasted with the love. Without forgetting that one can always resort to the second-hand market.

You prop a few well elegant skates they can last easily 5 years, or even being attentive more than 10. Even if we buy to ourselves a few skates of very high scale, on having divided the price between the years of useful life that the skates have, we will realize that monthly an activity is much cheaper than almost any other one: to go to the movies, usually to swim in a swimming pool or to go to the gymnasium between others.

Practical example: If one goes to the movies 2 times a month and wears out, let's say 6 euros in the entry, this there would be 12 euros a month. (without counting drinks or extra others). 12 euros a month in movies, do 144 euros to the year that would be 720 euros in 5 years. The truth is that I never saw a few skates to 720 euros, but if I have seen very much many that have come at the age of 5 using them more or less regularly.

Of course, in addition to the skates you will need skates protections

Skating as an exercise

To skate is an activity harder than it could seem to simplevista. In fact, after a good moment skating one usually finishes enough tired compared to the sensation of realized effort. Simply it does not seem that one is doing a big effort since with the skates it is possible to advance very much and very quickly.

Let's compare: in half an hour of bicycle approximately 150 calories are burned, in half an hour of aerobics approximately 180 and half an hour skating they consume approximately approximately 300 calories. Namely the double than in bicycle.

Musculature, balance and reflexes of the Skater

In addition to all this, the skating is a very finished sport since he exercises the balance, the reflexes and the coordination probably more than most of sports. When one skates for streets and squares it must avoid multitude of obstacles, must be able to read the gait and the step of the people, of bicycles and of cars and be anticipated to them avoiding them. It needs therefore major capacidas of reaction to be walked, to be covered or to be mounted in bicycle, and major agility and sense of the equilibro than to be led.

Sating as as social element

Although it the skating does not seem it is an activity clearly of group. Although one can go out to skate alone, anyone that has gone out 3 or 4 evenings will realize how it is much more entertaining and interesting to skate in group.

This need and pleasure of the skaters of socializing has done that in many cities there appear clubs of skating where the pricipal activity is a route for the city. They usually stay once per week, generally in the same sitioy at the same hour (normally in night schedule, on 8 a.m. or 9). Although every club has his schedules, Thursday is one day extensively esocigo for being close to the weekend but simultaneously it does not obstruct other activities that the weekends want to be carried out out of the skating.

In other forms as the urban skating, the sociability of the activity it comes from the hand of skate parks : parks of polished cement or wood with ramps and rails where those who practise this exciting sport extract all kinds of skates tricks . this is another way of knowing the people, so as soon as you have gone 2 or 3 times to the skatepark of your city or it swept already you some faces will begin sounding, and on a little of will for your part is easy to meet the people who is interested by the same topics.

Then also there are the clubs of hockey line, always ready to give a warm welcome to anyone that wants to sign up the team to be played partiditos. You usually need a minimum from team of protection , like gloves and shinpads - rodilleas of hockey, and for supesto a stick. Although the hockey could seem (and in fact it it is) a hard contact sport, the ambience is usually good and friendly. You prop to the last signings many wide sleeve is granted to them so that you have time to learn to move inside the track.

Curiously the violence that it is possible to liberate during a party or in the trainings there is not for anything a creative element of conflicts but everything opposite: the blows and tackles give to him vidilla and color to the game and join the teams!

A source of Personal Satisfaction

Even if earlier one has never ever skated it is late to start. Of course, if we do not usually practise any other sport for years, we cannot wait for a miracle after a few skates put themselves, but undoubtedly anyone is capable of learning to skate and to amuse itself in the way.

I have not met anybody who after 4 or 5 evenings skating should not improve. So of simple. There does not import the awkward thing or the bad aptitudes that it could have one: put 4 or 5 evenings the skates during a pair of hours and you will notice clearly like progress. This has two very gratifying consequences: the first one is that you learn to skate, and the second one is a miscellany of increase of the confidence in you yourself, of the satisfaction that produces to learn a new activity and of the observations of which when us quitamso we notice the skates how this exercise keeps on making us happy: little by little we are more agile and in form.

Personal Growth

Let's assume it, if it does not have one not idea of skating is hard and difficult to go out to the street with the put skates. Many people are afraid about falling down and about hurting, or about doing clearly the ridiculous one. In the street there are the people, and the eyes of these people are going to look at us for being skate: this is a fact. But we cannot leave that this prevents us from enjoying such an extremely entertaining and good activity both for the body and for the mind.

At the end of the day, many people in major or minor skated when it was small, left it, and now it has much buenso memories of that one: it was entertaining; but they do not dare to pass and to skate again. Instead of wondering because it should skate, do the opposite: Because I do not skate? Think it. If the answer has something to do with: - I am much major, - I cannot learn, - it scares me, - it gives me shame at that they look for me as to a sick duck, - it gives me shame to disgrace, - that is for the children, or any similar thing, then it is a clear sign that you need to skate


Suggestion: if he wants there can read me guide of buy of skates before going to a shop and so at least try to show off that he knows what he is going to buy and prevent from swindling him, or can see one introduction to the skates .

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